Does your toddler wear a helmet when riding his tricycle? Do your children wear helmets when they roller skate or ice skate?
According to the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) 500,000 children are injured in bike crashes each year. Most of those injured were children between the ages of 5 and 14, and occurred just from riding around in neighborhoods and playgrounds.
In recent years, I’ve seen how ice skating has become a popular activity for children of all ages. The CPSC recommends that when ice skating, children should wear “bicycle, ski or skateboard helmets.” But not all helmets are created equal. Be sure you know which helmet you need and that the helmet you choose has been certified and fits properly.
For maximum protection a bicycle helmet:
In recent years, I’ve seen how ice skating has become a popular activity for children of all ages. The CPSC recommends that when ice skating, children should wear “bicycle, ski or skateboard helmets.” But not all helmets are created equal. Be sure you know which helmet you need and that the helmet you choose has been certified and fits properly.
For maximum protection a bicycle helmet:
1. Must sit flat on the head, not slanted and should not shift.
2. It should lay 1-2 finger widths above the eyebrows.
3. The chin strap must be snug so that the helmet does not come off in a fall or crash.
4. The side straps on a bike helmet should sit in a V around the ear and be secure.
5. Be sure to replace a helmet after a bicycle accident or when it is outgrown.
Start your kids out early, so that it becomes natural for them to wear their helmets every time they ride but be sure to remove the helmet before climbing on playground equipment. No helmet should equal No Ride.
Follow the link for more information about “Which Helmet for Which Activity”