Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Safer Child Products

In the last couple of weeks, school violence and safety has been on everyone’s minds.  It is hard to imagine that someone could do something so awful as what occurred at the Sandy Hook School in Newtown, CT.  Why kill innocent children?  It is enough to make a parent sick, and make you not want to let your children out of your sight!  However, this is not realistic and not healthy for you as a parent, or for your children.  Our school keeps all doors locked, except for the front door to the vestibule outside the main office.  We have been assured that in our district, lock down drills are practiced and emergency plans and procedures are in place.  For my own piece of mind, I have to believe that our school does everything they can on a daily basis to protect my children and all the children in the school.  If you are concerned that your school does not have a policy, or think that your school or parent group can use some resources, check out http://safeschools.org/  
However, it is still a scary time, for both parents and children alike.  Remember that children can sense your fear.  I know that I tend to get short with my kids when I am stressed. I am trying to keep that in check and continue our normal routine.  In our house we have limited the access to the news coverage and have decided to make snowflakes as our contribution to the new school.  Have you seen that? This is a great way to get school aged children involved in doing something positive for the students at Sandy Hook Elementary. Here is the link to how you can help, whether snowflakes, or fundraising. http://www.ctpta.org/SANDY-HOOK-FUND.html
In addition, here are some excellent resources to help you talk with and support your children cope with tragedy such as school violence. http://nasponline.org/resources/handouts/revisedPDFs/talkingviolence.pdf
Wishing you all a happy and safe New Year.