Monday, May 9, 2011

Safer Child Products

Spring is finally here.  If you’re living in the North East where the weather has been warm and lovely, you and your children are spending more time outside.  How wonderful!  Children need fresh air and exercise but we as adult caregivers need to be especially aware of neighborhood safety this time of year.  I noticed that my own daughter gets excited when she sees friends and neighbors drive by.  She wants to run up to them, unaware that she could be hurt by a moving car!  We must teach our children not to chase after a ball into the street, or run into the street for any reason.  Small children will not be seen by  driver, and even if they are, the driver may not have enough time and space to stop prior to hitting the child.  This would be a tragedy that could have been prevented.

Children are often badly hurt when playing in the driveway when a car either pulls into the driveway, or backs out of a garage.  Parents and caregivers must be vigilant about watching our children and keeping them safe.  Do not let children play in cars. In fact, keep cars locked.  Perhaps it is worth blocking off your driveway when the children are outside playing.  I have seen preschools do just that!  Here are 2 ideas of things you can purchase to alert drivers that there are children outside playing,
however, you can use anything, a chair at the end of a driveway, a cone, a soccer net, a trash bin.

Stay alert and protect our children.

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