Monday, September 19, 2011

Safer Child Products

So many times I am walking in the mall or supermarket, even the playground and I see infants in their car seat carrier whose straps are loose or chest clip is down by the belly button. It really makes me wonder 2 things.

1.   Do parents then put the infant carrier back in the car like this and
2.   Were parents ever taught that the chest clip needs to be up at armpit or nipple level and harness snug to body to keep the baby secure? 

Why do many parents feel that it is necessary to loosen the straps on their child’s harness?  I know that no one’s intention is for our children to be less safe outside the car than in! With a loose harness, a child is likely to stick there arm thru the gap in the straps or even fall out if tilted or dropped. The harness is designed to hold the child securely in the seat so that the seat itself takes the impact and the child should more or less not move.

I worry about this. If parents are not taught how to install and use their child car seats properly, then our children are not as safe in the car as they could be.  I don’t know how many people really take the time to read their car seat manual cover to cover. 

I know that some hospitals are now giving classes on the newborn/postpartum floor on how to properly place and secure your newborn into a car seat/infant carrier. I think this is fabulous and encourage every parent of a newborn to participate, whether this is your first child or your fifth!  Car seat styles and regulations have changed so much over the years, it’s always good to be refreshed and get updated recommendations.

This week is National Child Passenger Safety Week and this Saturday, September 24th is Seat Check Saturday.  For information on car seat checks in your area go to

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