Monday, February 20, 2012

Safer Child Products

Many parents look for options to give their babies and young children and opt for Juice. Is this wise?  Fruit Juice has a lot of sugar in it and the AAP says there is no nutritional benefit to babies less than 6 months of age.  As stated in drinking too much juice can contribute to cavities, diarrhea, and obesity.
If you choose to give your baby juice, make sure it is 100% juice and limit their intake to about 4 oz. per day.  Even children aged 1-6 years should be limited to 4-6 oz. of juice per day.
Do not give your baby water.  According to Dr. Stephen R. Daniels, "Water can interfere with a young baby's ability to absorb the nutrients in breast milk or formula and, because it can make her feel full, it may prevent her from feeding as much as she should.
Giving water to an infant can also cause water intoxication, a serious condition that happens when too much water dilutes the concentration of sodium in the body, upsetting the electrolyte balance and causing tissues to swell. It's uncommon but serious, potentially causing seizures and even a coma."
So, stick to breast milk or formula for your infants, and if you have any questions or concerns, contact your child's doctor.  

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