Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Safer Child Products

I just read an article from USA Today about new recommendations for parents when using LATCH (Lower Anchors and Tethers for Children) to install their child car seats. What was intended to make child car seat installation easier has its own set of problems.  Not all LATCH Bars (Lower Anchors) are easy to access between the seats, and the pulling and tightening of the strap is not easy at every angle.  However, the latest recommendation is not to use the LATCH bars (Lower Anchors) if the child and car seat combined weigh more than 65 pounds. It’s not common knowledge that the Lower Anchors have a weight limit between 40 and 48 pounds. 

However, whether you are using Lower Anchors, or Seatbelt, you should always use the top tether on a forward facing seat, to reduce forward head movement in a crash.  By securing the top of the child car seat with a top tether, you are helping to prevent head injuries.

Some might be inclined to use both the Lower Anchors and Seat Belts together, but this is not recommended because it puts too much force on the car seat.

This whole thing gets more confusing by the day! It’s really a shame that the industry is not standardized.  Every vehicle is different and every car seat is different and each manufacturer has different rules and recommendations.  There is a manual specifically dedicated to LATCH for Child Passenger Safety Technicians to reference.  My advice is to read the manual that comes with the car seat and reference your vehicle owner’s manual with any questions relating to which seating position is allowed for a rear facing seat, LATCH, airbags and more.  Keep both these manuals handy and when in doubt contact a fitting station or a Child Passenger Safety Technician near you.

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