Monday, August 27, 2012

Safer Child Products

There have been episodes over the years that my daughter can’t fall asleep because her legs hurt or she has woken up in the night complaining to leg pain.  She tends to feel it most behind her knees and backs of her thighs, but surprisingly gets it more in one leg than the other.  With no other symptoms, I attributed it to “growing pains.” I thought that maybe she is growing faster than her ligaments can keep up, but there is no evidence of that being the cause.  In fact, I have read different explanations for such pain, which is said to occur in the muscles of 3-5 y/o and 8-12 y/o but in most cases it is nothing alarming. Some people say it is overuse of muscles, or a vitamin deficiency (of calcium, potassium or magnesium).  I’ve even heard flat feet!
The Nemours Foundation ( suggests trying to massage the area, stretching, heating pad or ibuprofen or acetaminophen to help relieve the pain. They also suggest calling your child’s doctor if the pain continues in the morning, or if there is “swelling or redness in one particular area or joint.” Take your child to be seen by their health care provider if the pain is associated with fever, limping, rash or loss of appetite. gives the same advice. 
So be patient with your little ones.  If they are complaining of leg pain and that they can’t fall asleep, it is probably not a delay tactic.  Then again……

Monday, August 20, 2012

Safer Child Products

In our house, we are getting ready to go back to school.  It doesn’t matter if your child is in preschool or middle school, they still need snacks, usually packed for school.  We have tried every snack bar imaginable; If one of my kids will eat it, the other wont.  Otherwise, after re-stocking, they decide they’re tired of it.  I don’t want something too sugary and it has to be filling.  Oftentimes I find myself at a loss as to what to pack.  I am afraid to send anything with nuts to school because there are so many kids with food allergies, but that cuts out a huge category.  I was thinking of sending hummus with pretzels or veggies to dip. I could send cheese and crackers, but the cheese will get warm if I can’t keep it with an ice pack. 
Our School is really pushing for a healthier lifestyle, by participating in the G.Y.M.M. program, (encouraging children to be active and log their time everyday), to building a vegetable garden and enjoying the fruits of their labor. Now there have been changes to our lunch program, cutting down on protein (meat or meat alternative) serving size while increasing the serving size of fruits and vegetables. 
At Dr. Allen’s office, I came across a few brochures on healthy snacking, really emphasizing fruits and vegetables.  They are put out by They liked my idea of hummus with veggies.  Other suggestions were to freeze grapes, melon balls and berries for a quick cool treat.  Baby carrots, bananas and grape tomatoes are small and portable, great for snack time.  Dried fruits can be good too. I like trail mix/ snack mix with dried fruit such as raisins, craisins, pineapple, apricots, mixed with nuts but not to send to school.  In this brochure they suggest making your own snack mix with dried fruit, nuts and whole grain cereal. I keep hearing that you should eat as many colors as you can, as colorful fruits and veggies are “great sources of vitamins and minerals that can help protect your health, such as fiber, potassium, magnesium, vitamin A and Vitamin C.”
By keeping fresh fruit on the counter and keeping fresh veggies sliced and within reach, our children will go for these first and will develop healthy habits early.
For more snack ideas, how to get kids involved and quick, healthy recipes, go to .  You can also check out Today I Ate A Rainbow with a great story and kit for young children.

Monday, August 13, 2012

Safer Child Products

The other day, we were out at a friend’s backyard party.  I had forgotten to apply bug repellent before we left the house.  One woman in our group was using some non-topical bug repellent.  I’m not sure if it was battery operated, but it looked like it was.  Whether it was her repeller, or just sheer luck, I did not come out covered in bites, nor did my children.

However, we all have had those days when we are itchy and bumpy from what we assume are mosquito bites.  When should we be concerned?  Most of the time bug bites are no more than a minor nuisance and we should try to avoid scratching them.  Use some type of anti-itch cream or an over the counter anti-histamine if those do not help.  As long as your red/ puffiness does not extend over a large area, such as a full arm or leg, it’s probably fine.  It’s just a minor irritation.

There is a rare occasion when someone will have a more serious or life threatening reaction.  According to Dr. Leslie Barakat,parents should seek medical care.....

  • if the sting or bite is inside or near the mouth, if the child has a known history of severe reaction to a stinging or biting insect. 
  • If they are having a severe reaction, such as swelling of the face or mouth, difficulty swallowing or speaking, chest tightness, wheezing, or difficulty breathing, or dizziness or fainting, parents should call 911 immediately and administer an Epinephrine pen if they have been prescribed one by their pediatrician.
  • Parents should also seek medical attention for any insect bite or sting if the site looks infected, meaning that there is increasing redness, warmth, swelling, pain, or pus occurring several hours or longer after the sting or bites.”
For more tips on how to handle bug  bites and stings, go to

Monday, August 6, 2012

Safer Child Products

We all have stress in our lives to some extent, whether it is from Job expectations, traffic, family members or something else.  What is most important is how we handle it.  Young children, even before they can talk, have a good sense, and understanding of emotions.  They can sense when you are angry by the tone of your voice and by the way you hold them. 

Sometimes our sweet little angels can act like little terrors and work our last nerve.  The important  thing is to try and remain calm and speak to them in a calm, respectful way and be clear about your expectations.  It is ok for you to take your own “timeout” to cool off before you explode and either shake your child or yell at them. That is not a good situation.  Infants can sustain severe brain damage and even die from being shaken.  Older children can be very frightened and emotionally scarred from repeated screaming and demeaning comments.  Psychology@suite 101 has some great tips on how to express your anger in a calm, healthy way.  A few of the suggestions include:

·  Use "I feel" instead of "You are" or "You did".
·  Refuse to criticize or blame.
·  Talk with the person about how to prevent future occurrences.
·  Exercise or write to release angry feelings.

It is equally important to teach our children how to express their anger appropriately.  According to Parenting Expert, Michele Borba, is important to help our kids to Identify the Warning Signs, Recognize Potential Anger Triggers, Develop a Feeling Vocabulary, Teach Healthy Anger Management Skills and  to use Time Out when Inappropriate Anger Persists. You may want to read this excellent article for the specifics in each category.