Monday, August 6, 2012

Safer Child Products

We all have stress in our lives to some extent, whether it is from Job expectations, traffic, family members or something else.  What is most important is how we handle it.  Young children, even before they can talk, have a good sense, and understanding of emotions.  They can sense when you are angry by the tone of your voice and by the way you hold them. 

Sometimes our sweet little angels can act like little terrors and work our last nerve.  The important  thing is to try and remain calm and speak to them in a calm, respectful way and be clear about your expectations.  It is ok for you to take your own “timeout” to cool off before you explode and either shake your child or yell at them. That is not a good situation.  Infants can sustain severe brain damage and even die from being shaken.  Older children can be very frightened and emotionally scarred from repeated screaming and demeaning comments.  Psychology@suite 101 has some great tips on how to express your anger in a calm, healthy way.  A few of the suggestions include:

·  Use "I feel" instead of "You are" or "You did".
·  Refuse to criticize or blame.
·  Talk with the person about how to prevent future occurrences.
·  Exercise or write to release angry feelings.

It is equally important to teach our children how to express their anger appropriately.  According to Parenting Expert, Michele Borba, is important to help our kids to Identify the Warning Signs, Recognize Potential Anger Triggers, Develop a Feeling Vocabulary, Teach Healthy Anger Management Skills and  to use Time Out when Inappropriate Anger Persists. You may want to read this excellent article for the specifics in each category.

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