Monday, October 31, 2011

Safer Child Products

Most kids look forward to Halloween as an opportunity to get dressed up in costumes, whether cute or scary, and get LOTS and LOTS of candy.  How do
you handle the Halloween Candy obsession in your house?  Do you let them eat as much as they want on Halloween Night, hoping they will not want to see another piece of candy after that?  Or do you dole out 1 or 2 pieces of candy each night, finding that you still have tons of leftovers next Halloween?
How about using this opportunity to teach your kids about giving back and gratitude?  The Halloween Candy Buy Back Program encourages kids to “sell” their candy to a participating dentist or orthodontist and they in turn will send the candy overseas to our troops.  I am all for getting rid of the candy and if can brighten someone’s day while they are fighting to protect freedom, I am all for it.  I am in favor of giving my kids allowance or a prize for doing something extremely kind or helpful, but do they really need money for donating candy?  If your kids are old enough to understand, perhaps help them right a letter to the troops to include with the candy?
Whatever your feeling on payment, check out the website  and enter your zipcode to find a participating dental office near you.  You’ll be glad you did (and hopefully your kids will learn to appreciate it too. )

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